Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Mabinogi Packer/Unpacker

A Mab Packer injects all files in the 'data' folder into the actual .pack files itself.
This does mean you are replacing the original files. To remove the mods and retrieve the original files back, you need to remove them through the Mab Packer program, do not delete them manually without the program.
The Packer does not need to be in your Mabinogi folder or anything. It is a seperate stand-alone program.

Next is the Mabinogi Unpacker, which unpacks everything in the selected .pack file.
This does not harm the original pack file at all, just unpack it into whatever folder you wish, the Unpacker does not need to be in your Mabinogi folder or anything. It is a seperate stand-alone program.